Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fulham QS Consultants are the Commercial Consultants on this large complex wastewater treatment plant in Ringsend, Dublin.
The existing wastewater treatment plant at Ringsend was completed in or around 2003 and provides for
treatment of the wastewater to a secondary standard for a nominal/design load of 1.64 Million Population
Equivalent (PE).
Further enhancements to the plant in the period since commissioning have provided for improvements to the performance of the plant on both the liquid stream and the sludge stream. The nominal design capacity of the plant as determined by the capacity of the secondary treatment system remains at 1.64m PE.
Since the plant was commissioned, the loads (both biological and hydraulic) to the plant have increased
steadily and the current loads exceed the nominal design capacity of the plant. Projections of the growth in
load to the wastewater treatment plant, based on recent trends and anticipated growth of non-domestic loads
suggest that overloading of the existing works will accelerate in the coming years.
Using the FIDIC Gold Book, the project was successfully tendered by Veolia PJ Hegarty as a joint venture in 2017 and is due to finish early 2020. Fulham QS Consultants were in charge of all interim applications, change order value for money assessments and the final account.